Once NeoPaganism could be described by shared general details. As contemporary Paganism has diversified this task has become increasingly challenging. As a Pagan who has been at the center of this evolving history, Frew explores the challenges and implications arising from these changes.
Author: Sam Webster
What is the relationship between Neoplatonism and the Kabbalah? Tighter than most people know! An outline for a talk given at Gerald Gardner’s birthday Bash, 2019.
Pagan Currents is a place to host and discuss the many presentations given at Pagan, Polytheist, and Witchcraft events.
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We have very few trained ministers in the Pagan community. We teach priestcraft, but too frequently it is thin, often with little depth of knowledge, and lessons learned are rarely passed along. Ministry is an entirely different matter, more focused on the congregants than the Gods. How Professional do we want Pagan Ministry to be?
This section is for listing upcoming events and the presentations to be given at them.
Don Frew is a Wiccan Elder and High Priest of Coven Trismegiston in Berkeley, CA.
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